Wednesday, September 27


Gonna get wet on the way home. Clouds a loomin' :-(

Tuesday, September 26

Bit of a break..

Had about a week off the commute. Partly due to time pressures, partly weather and partly cos I'm lazy... I also binned it off a jump at CwmCarn the other day so am still rather sore.. Rode in this morning though, blue skies and green fields. Very nice :-)

Wednesday, September 13


Nothing to report today. Fairly chilled ride in via an ascent of the big dipper. Not too bad a climb, but not worth it for the descent as the tarmac is too lumpy..

Ended up racing another roady yesterday, cranking along newport road in the big ring..he was a miserable bugger too, but even after the mileage I've done this week, I still toasted him :-)

Tuesday, September 12

The fear

The motorway roundabout by the office is starting to give me the fear.. I hope they finish the roadworks soon so I can get back to riding through the park instead of risking life and limb with the hgvs..

Friday, September 8


Got heckled on the way in to work today. Nothing unusual in that, but this time it was a car load of girls shouting "Oi! Sexy rider!" ... Made a nice change from what people usually shout I can tell you..mnid you, they may have been joking :-(

Thursday, September 7


Nice ride last night, thougha bit humid. This morning was hard work though, sodding headwind all the way in. I seem to have lost my toughness in the arse area too.. Sitting in the saddle hurt a bit today..

Wednesday, September 6

Must stop swearing

A week and a bit off the bike, cos I was lounging around in Corfu.. Very nice.
Back in the saddle this morning only to get beeped by some twunt wile coming off the motorway roundabout. That exit is scary enough without HGVs bearing down on you beeping.. Sadly I think my raised finger may have been a little indisciminate, hope the guy in the car doesn't work at my office.. Ooops.