Wednesday, March 26

Night ride Wednesday

Sunset on the Quantocks
Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
It's that time of the week again, so a slow twiddle in on the Surly.. Looking forward to this evening though, I need a ride and a pint* to sort me out..

* Actual number of pints may be plural

Bit of a cross training weekend

Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
Soo, Friday running and cross training.. Saturday Rafting (thanks Pete) and Sunday Kayaking (cheers Warwick). All this was topped off with a 70km ride on Monday (thanks to Mark & Mel) so a pretty good weekend for exercise and company all round..

Missed a run yesterday though as my legs felt dead. Hopefully this slightly longer break will get my shin a bit stronger for this weekend's running..

Wednesday, March 19

Hanging on

Scruff in flight
Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
Had a good run on Saturday, though my right shin was still complaining so I limited it to 3 miles. Same again last night sadly.. I feel more than happy with the distance, but don't want to push it until my shin is completely happy..

Good ride to work today though, looking forward to a nice spin along the ridge later..

Tuesday, March 11

Just a short one today

3 Miles exactly. Newport Road, Colchester Ave, down to Marlborough road, funeral home, then Stacey road and home down Cecil street. 30 minutes and 1 second. Probably would have been 5 minutes quicker if it wasn't for waiting at traffic lights..

Felt fine, nice easy pace, though my right shin did start to twinge a bit..

Monday, March 10

Riding Sunday

Turning in
Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
This is actually I pic I shot on at the BUSA's at CwmCarn on Saturday. Due to the rain I didn't take a camera to Afan on Sunday. The new section of Whites level (NRG) was really nice. Good to get some jumping in between the hailstorms..

Sunday, March 9

The running has started in earnest

ASICS Running shoe
Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
3 1/2 miles on Saturday, round the park and the lake. Didn't feel too bad, but my shin was twinging a bit by the end.. Still, should be on track for race day.

Wednesday, March 5

A night off

Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
I had a good ride in today, but will not be going on the Wednesday night ride tonight. iding at CwmCarn on Friday I had an off on the bridge in the picture..basically a sidewind scuppered me mid flight, causing a slightly bikeless landing.. Oh well. Looks gloomy outside too..!

Tuesday, March 4

Training starts here

Airborne Blackbird
Originally uploaded by hairy_matt
So, after lots of huffing and puffing, I've finally kicked off my training program. Not quite the right photo as I actually went for a run, but I don't have any decent pictures of me running (apart from the Tough Guy, and they're too muddy).

This also marks the end of me using this blog as strictly a record of my rides to work, I've decided to use it more as a general training and photblog sorta thing.. Not that anyone actually reads this (hi Steve.. ) but just so you know.. ;-)