Thursday, October 26

Wet day

Nice to ride in though..

Tuesday, October 24


Too long off the bike, mainly due to rain of biblical proportions, but also laziness and stress over a failing bike purchase of all things... Never mind, back in the saddle today.

Friday, October 13


Well this week I have ridden into work 4 days.. Gone for evening road rides twice, and one evening off road ride. Including a trip or two to the shops, this means that at the moment I'm on 100.6 miles and by the time I get home this evening I'll be on 111.8 or so.. Luckily I'm riding this weekend too, though I do get tomorrow off :-)

Thursday, October 12

Tired legs

After riding last night, this morning was a bit of a slog in... Looking forward to the ride home though, cos I get to go via another bike shop to look at a frame I've just (hopefully) ordered.. Fingers crossed it will be big enough :-)

Wednesday, October 11

Biking biking and more biking

Rode in and back yesterday, met amy on the way home and went for a 20 mile loop for fun.. Sadly her rear mech went into the spokes meaning I had to leave her at the pub and sprint home to fetch the car... Then rode in this morning, and of course it's the wednesday night ride tonight.. Good job I'm 'ard! ;-)

Tuesday, October 10

Went riding on the road for fun yesterday..

..I feel so dirty.. ;-)
Came in on the bike today though passing a huge traffic jam on the M4..meeting the missu on the way home for a recreational loop on top of my usual commute. Should be fun..

Wednesday, October 4


Blimey, that was a bit of a gap. A combination of bad weather, other biking commitments and early morning meetings has led to me using the car a bit much recently.. Back on the bike to come in today (including a tit for tat race with a grumpy sod who works in the same office.. we passed each other at least 4 times, but not so much as a good morning grunt..) but might get a lift home (long story). Which means that over the next few days I might be half bussing, half riding..bit of a pain really. I should just put some lights on and ride every day.. hmmmm