Friday, February 10

Back on the bike

Well I'm back on the bike. It's been quite a long lay off, due in part to the freezing winter weather, partly due to having to put in long days at work and partly due to training for the toughguy event.
That's all behind me now (and the Toughguy was great fun if you like mud, water, barbed wire and more mud..) so I can finally get back into the rythm of commuting under my own steam.
A nicely non-eventful ride in to welcome me back. The roadworks at the Newport end of the old A48 are still in progress and stil have a long single lane stretch meaning cyclists must rely on the patience of car drivers to avoid unpleasant overtaking related disasters. It was damn cold too, my toes were like ice cubes when I got to the office..
39minutes 37s door to door, I want to get that under 30 minutes by the summer.

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